Random Event Cards
This is not a game in its own right. Instead, it is an attempt to insert some of the unpredictability of naval operations into tactical naval games. Naval engagements were by their nature chaotic events, with limited visibility, confusion about the location and even identity of friendly and enemy forces, and command and control breakdowns at the most awkward times. One of the frequent drawbacks of tactical naval wargames (absent a wise and patient referee) is that the knowledge possessed by the players is a bit too pat. Random event cards are a way to throw a little uncertainty in the players' way.
The pdf file below gives guidelines on how to use two regular decks of playing cards to provide some entropy to an otherwise orderly battle. As you will see if you look at the file, I leave you with some work -- you must agree on mechanics for the use of the cards and on the meanings of some of the cards in the game system you are using.